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Diabetes UK Cymru response to new proposals to create a healthier food environment in Wales

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As members of Obesity Alliance Cymru (OAC), Diabetes UK Cymru is very supportive of the planned measures introduced by the Welsh Government to improve our food environments by promoting healthier foods and reducing the affordability and accessibility of poor nutritional foods and welcome the continued support and funding for the All Wales Diabetes Prevention Programme (AWDPP). 

Diabetes UK Cymru Director, Rachel Burr said: "It’s fantastic to see that the first 3000 people identified to benefit from the programme have taken the opportunity to reduce their chances of developing type 2 diabetes. 

“It’s a positive step to see continued commitments for funding from the Welsh Government for the AWDPP. We need to see continued and increased funding to ensure this programme is available to everyone at risk of diabetes in Wales, in order to support people to make changes to their lifestyle to help them reduce their risk of developing diabetes and improve their overall health. 

“There is no one size fits approach to support people to reduce their risk, and we hope to see further funding commitments for the prevention programme and other services as a whole, such as the All Wales Diabetes Remission Service, which helps people put their type 2 diabetes into remission.”

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