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Type 1 diabetes technology - guideline for healthcare professionals

Our position statement brings together in a simple, unified pathway the currently available technology for people with Type 1 diabetes to manage glucose levels.

Download the Type 1 diabetes technology: A consensus guideline (PDF, 832KB).

We have developed this position because we recognise that people using diabetes technology are more likely to achieve optimal glucose levels, which minimises the risks of long-term complications and improves quality of life. Ensuring appropriate uptake of these technologies, and supporting patients and professionals to access them is key. Currently there is considerable variation in access to these technologies across the UK.

We recommend that clinicians and local decision makers use this pathway to guide clinical and commissioning decisions, and policies on access to diabetes technology for people with Type 1 diabetes.

How did we develop this position?

Working with NHS England, we brought together a multi-disciplinary group of experts from across England, to develop this consensus document.

The document was developed with the support and involvement of UK patient representative groups, expert patients and has the endorsement of:

  • Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD),
  • Association of Children’s Diabetes Clinicians (ACDC),
  • British Society for Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes (BSPED),
  • Diabetes Technology Network UK (DTN-UK),
  • INPUT,
  • Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund (JDRF),
  • Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating (DAFNE),
  • National Children and Young Peoples Diabetes Network,
  • Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Collaborative UK.
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