Some of our diabetes information is available in different languages, large print, Braille, British Sign Language, easy read and audio.
If you can't find what you're looking for below, contact our free helpline on 0345 123 2399 and let us know what you need. We will try our best to help but this may not always be possible.
If you want advice or information about diabetes from a trained advisor on our helpline in a language other than English, we can usually arrange an interpreter. Find out more.
Find information in:
Diabetes information in Arabic/عربي
- What is type 2 diabetes remission? video
Sick Day Rules (PDF, 241KB) - Fasting and managing your diabetes during Ramadan: Arabic / الصيام والتعامل مع مرض السكري خلال شهر رمضان: اللغة العربية (PDF, 125KB)
What is diabetes / بداء†السُكّر يّ؟ما†المقصود (PDF, 136KB) - Diabetes and looking after your feet (PDF, 804KB)
- Newly diagnosed with diabetes (PDF, 2,023KB)
- What is diabetes? video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is type 1 diabetes? video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is type 2 diabetes? video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- Diabetes symptoms video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- How to measure your waist video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- How to test your blood sugars video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
Diabetes information in audio
- Listen to our new podcast series, Diabetes Discussions, where we talk about the realities of diabetes and feature shared lived experiences – featuring guests from all walks of life who know first-hand what life with diabetes is like.
- We work with the RNIB to create audio content on request. Please contact our free helpline and let us know what you need.
Diabetes information in Bengali / ডায়াবেটিস বাংলা ভাষায় তথ্য
- Newly diagnosed with diabetes / আপনার নতু ন ডায়াবেটিস ধরা পড়েছে এরপর কী হবে? (PDF, 2.5MB)
- Fasting and managing your diabetes during Ramadan: Bengali / রমজানে রোজা রাখা এবং আপনার ডায়াবেটিস নিয়ন্ত্রণে রাখা: বাংলা (PDF, 143KB)
- Sick Day Rules (PDF, 252KB)
- Diabetes and looking after your feet (PDF, 774KB)
- Diabetes symptoms video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- Exercise videos (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- How to measure your waist video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- How to test your blood sugars video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- Exercise posters - Five Ways to Move More
- Enjoy Food booklet for a South Asian diet
Diabetes information in Sylheti (with Bengali subtitles)
- What is diabetes? video
- What is type 1 diabetes? video
- What is type 2 diabetes? video
- What is type 2 diabetes remission? video
Diabetes information in Braille
We work with the RNIB to create Braille content on request. Please contact our free helpline and let us know what you need.
Diabetes information in British Sign Language (BSL)
Diabetes information in easy read
- Why diabetes health checks matter (PDF) - This easy read booklet explains the different diabetes health checks, sometimes known as your annual review, how to get them and why it's important. We created this with an easy read agency and people with diabetes.
- What do I need to know about diabetes? (PDF) - This easy read booklet explains what diabetes is and how to live well with the condition. We created this with the University of Leeds.
Diabetes information for people with a learning disability
As well as the easy read guides above, please see links to other easy read information on health checks including footcare, dental care, blood tests and diabetic eye checks on our Improving care for people with diabetes and a learning disability page.
Diabetes information in English
- Find information across our website about living with diabetes.
- Order or download information booklets and factsheets from our online shop.
- What is diabetes? video
- What is type 1 diabetes? video
- What is type 2 diabetes? video
- Type 2 diabetes remission video
Diabetes information in French
- Newly diagnosed with diabetes (PDF, 2,023KB)
- Diabetes symptoms video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is diabetes? video(click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is type 1 diabetes? video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is type 2 diabetes? video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- Type 2 diabetes remission video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- How to test your blood sugar levels video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- How to measure your waist video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
Diabetes information in Gujarati / ડાયાબિટીસ ગુજરાતીમાં માહિતી
- What is diabetes? video
- What is type 1 diabetes? video
- What is type 2 diabetes? video
- What is type 2 diabetes remission?
- Newly diagnosed with diabetes / ડાયાબિટીઝનું નવું નિદાન આગળ શું છે? (PDF, 2.5MB)
- Diabetes symptoms video (click the subtitles button to change the language
- How to measure your waist video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- How to test your blood sugars video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- Enjoy Food booklet for a South Asian diet.
Diabetes information in Hindi / हिन्दी
- Newly diagnosed with diabetes / हाल ही में डायबिटीज (मधुमेह) का निदान किया गया है आगे क्या? (PDF, 2.5MB)
- Sick Day Rules (PDF, 260KB)
- Diabetes and looking after your feet (PDF, 355KB)
- Diabetes symptoms video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- Exercise videos (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- Exercise posters - Five Ways to Move More
- What is diabetes? video(click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is type 1 diabetes? video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is type 2 diabetes? video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- Type 2 diabetes remission video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
Diabetes information in large print
- We create large print resources on request. Please contact our free helpline and let us know what you need.
Diabetes information in Nepali / नेपालीमा मधुमेह सम्बन्धी जानकारी
- Sick Day Rules (PDF, 233KB)
- What is diabetes? video(click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is type 1 diabetes? video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is type 2 diabetes? video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- Type 2 diabetes remission video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
Diabetes information in Polish / Cukrzyca informacje w języku polskim
- Newly diagnosed with diabetes / Właśnie postawiono Ci diagnozę: cukrzyca Co dalej? (PDF, 2.5MB)
- Sick Day Rules (PDF, 185KB)
- Diabetes and looking after your feet (PDF, 416KB)
- Diabetes symptoms video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- How to measure your waist video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- How to test your blood sugars video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is diabetes? video(click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is type 1 diabetes? video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is type 2 diabetes? video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- Type 2 diabetes remission video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
Diabetes information in Punjabi / ਸ਼ੂਗਰ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਵਿਚ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ
- What is diabetes? video
- What is type 1 diabetes? video
- What is type 2 diabetes? video
- What is type 2 diabetes remission? video
- Newly diagnosed with diabetes / ਡਾਇਬਟੀਜ਼ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਨਵੇਂ ਨਿਦਾਨੇ ਗਏ ਅੱਗੇ ਕੀ ਹੋਏਗਾ? (PDF, 2.5MB)
- Sick Day Rules (PDF, 256KB)
- Diabetes and looking after your feet (PDF, 813KB)
- Diabetes symptoms video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- Exercise videos (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- Exercise posters - Five Ways to Move More
- How to measure your waist video (click the subtitles to change the language)
- How to test your blood sugars video (click the subtitles to change the language)
Diabetes information in Romanian/ Informații despre diabet în limba română
- Diabetes and looking after your feet (PDF, 794KB)
- What is diabetes? video(click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is type 1 diabetes? video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is type 2 diabetes? video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- Type 2 diabetes remission video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
Diabetes information in Simplified Chinese / 糖尿病信息简体中文
- Sick Day Rules (PDF, 223KB)
- Diabetes and looking after your feet (PDF, 1MB)
- Newly diagnosed with diabetes (PDF, 2,023KB)
- Diabetes symptoms video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- How to measure your waist video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- How to test your blood sugars video (click on the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is diabetes? video(click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is type 1 diabetes? video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is type 2 diabetes? video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- Type 2 diabetes remission video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
Diabetes information in Somali / Macluumaadka sonkorta oo Soomaali ah
- Sick Day Rules (PDF, 176KB)
- Newly diagnosed with diabetes (PDF, 2,023KB)
- Diabetes symptoms video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- How to measure your waist video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- How to test your blood sugars video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is diabetes? video(click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is type 1 diabetes? video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is type 2 diabetes? video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- Type 2 diabetes remission video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
Diabetes information in Tamil / தமிழில் நீரிழிவு நோய் தொடர்பான தகவல்கள்
- What is diabetes? / நீரிழிவு (PDF, 312KB)
- Newly diagnosed with diabetes (PDF, 2,023KB) -
- Diabetes symptoms video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- How to measure your waist video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- How to test your blood sugars video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is diabetes? video(click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is type 1 diabetes? video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is type 2 diabetes? video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- Type 2 diabetes remission video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
Diabetes information in Traditional Chinese / 糖尿病信息(繁體中文)
- Sick Day Rules (PDF, 285KB)
- Newly diagnosed with diabetes (PDF, 2,023KB)
- Diabetes symptoms video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- How to measure your waist video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- How to test your blood sugars video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is diabetes? video(click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is type 1 diabetes? video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is type 2 diabetes? video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- Type 2 diabetes remission video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
Diabetes information in Urdu / ذیابیطس اردو میں معلومات
- What is diabetes? video
- What is type 1 diabetes? video
- What is type 2 diabetes? video
- What is type 2 diabetes remission? video
- Newly diagnosed with diabetes / ذیابیطس کی پہلی مرتبہ تشخیص آگے کیا ہے؟ (PDF, 2.5MB)
- Fasting and managing your diabetes during Ramadan Urdu (PDF, 91KB)
- Sick Day Rules (PDF, 249KB)
- Diabetes and looking after your feet (PDF, 839KB)
- Diabetes symptoms video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- Exercise videos (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- How to measure your waist video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- How to test your blood sugars video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- Exercise posters - Five Ways to Move More
- Enjoy Food booklet for a South Asian diet.
Diabetes information in Welsh / Diabetes gwybodaeth yn Gymraeg
- Newly diagnosed with diabetes – what next? / Newydd eich diagnosio gyda diabetes Beth sydd nesaf? (PDF, 910KB)
- Your guide to type 2 diabetes / Eich canllaw I diabetes math 2 - available to order for free from our online shop
- Diabetes symptoms video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- How to measure your waist video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- How to test your blood sugars video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- Your guide to type 1 diabetes / Eich canllaw I diabetes math 1 - (PDF, 7.9MB)
- What is diabetes? video(click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is type 1 diabetes? video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- What is type 2 diabetes? video (click the subtitles button to change the language)
- Type 2 diabetes remission video (click the subtitles button to change the language)