Helping a child with diabetes to understand their condition can be tough sometimes. But you’re not alone. My Life is a free guide to type 1 diabetes for children aged 7-11 years old.
The My Life crew, Ella, Jack, Nadeem and Liz, will take your child through everything they need to know, from understanding their type 1 diagnosis, to diet, to going back to school and everything in between. Plus there's stories from other kids with diabetes, puzzles and fun facts.
Download your free copy of the My Life Guide
"I enjoyed reading other children’s stories when I read My Life in hospital because it helped me understand what it was going to be like living with diabetes myself.” Leah, aged 10, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes a year ago
Already got your copy of My Life? Have a go at the puzzles and let us know how you did.
Here for you as parents
You might be feeling overwhelmed or worried about the future if your child has been recently diagnosed. We want you to know that we're here for you every step of the way.
Support for you
We've got loads of information for parents on our children and diabetes pages, including from coping with a type 1 diagnosis as a family and managing your child's diabetes at school.
You can sign up to our e-newsletter as well to get news and updates from Diabetes UK and information about type 1.
You can also contact a local support group or join our online forum to chat to other parents of children with type 1.
And our helpline is always available if you've got any questions or worries or just want to talk to someone who 'gets' it.
Get involved
We would you love you to get involved in helping us make My Life even better.
If you and your child are interested in telling us your story, giving us feedback on the My Life Guide and letting us know what you would like to see from us in the future, send us an email at mylifemag@diabetes.org.uk to get involved.